AboutForm.L_Donate3.caption=Please, fill some fields before continuing with donation: ( Donate as much as you want.)
AboutForm.L_Donate4.caption=NOTE: Name and Email will be used only for communications about program news and updates.
AboutForm.E_Name.hint=Fill in Name or Nickname of donor
AboutForm.E_Email.hint=Fill in Email address of donor
AboutForm.E_Amount.hint=Amount of donation
AboutForm.CB_Currency.hint=Currency of donation
; Translator
; Spare strings
msg[002]=This program is <b>TOTALLY FREE</b>. You can free distribute this programs to Your friends without any permission. For suggestions, feedbacks, bugs notify or translation in other language... You are welcome! Free contact me at:
msg[003]=Dear friend, thank You for using this program... if You think that my work is useful for You, and want to support his future development, free donate through PayPal and become a user with highest priority for: bug resolution
msg[004]=, enhancement request consideration and information for the newest releases of program (about one week before web pubblication). Donate as much as you want.